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    Lindsey Crossmier

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    Lamia Chowdhury

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    Rubina K. Hossain, CFP®

    Rubina K. Hossain, CFP®

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  • Published: May 22, 2023
  • Updated: August 16, 2023
  • 11 min read time
  • This page features 11 Cited Research Articles
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APA Crossmier, L. (2023, August 16). Volunteering During Retirement. RetireGuide.com. Retrieved July 24, 2024, from https://www.retireguide.com/retirement-life-leisure/volunteering/

MLA Crossmier, Lindsey. "Volunteering During Retirement." RetireGuide.com, 16 Aug 2023, https://www.retireguide.com/retirement-life-leisure/volunteering/.

Chicago Crossmier, Lindsey. "Volunteering During Retirement." RetireGuide.com. Last modified August 16, 2023. https://www.retireguide.com/retirement-life-leisure/volunteering/.

Volunteer Opportunities for Retirees

Senior woman volunteering

With COVID-19 restrictions lessening, Americans are ready to reap the mental, physical and financial benefits of a volunteer-driven lifestyle.

A four-year long study from Springer Nature found strong evidence that volunteering results in overall improved health and wellbeing for older adults.

Patricia Bubash, M.Ed., LPC, is a regular volunteer at a children’s group home, church nursery, food pantry and other nonprofits. She spoke to RetireGuide about her volunteering experience during retirement.

“What most retirees do not realize, is time gets boring when there is nothing planned. Volunteering provides a planned, regularly scheduled activity to give purpose to life.”

Volunteer Opportunity Examples
  • Charities and nonprofits
  • Health care and nutrition support programs
  • Environmental conservation projects
  • Tutoring and mentoring programs
  • Animal rescue and service programs
  • Arts and culture initiatives
  • Religious outreach activities

If you’re interested in any of the volunteer opportunities above, you can find more details about each of them below. All programs listed within this guide are available nationwide and open to seniors.

Charities and Nonprofits

National Council of Nonprofits
The largest network of nonprofits in North America that can connect you with more than 30,000 nonprofits across the country.
AmeriCorps is a national nonprofit, with volunteer programs specifically for those 55 and older. This program has a wide range of volunteer options, like helping children learn how to read or supporting a family during a national disaster.
Charity Navigator
A tool to help connect you with thousands of charities. Their tool has the option to filter searches to find charities that align with your values.
America’s Charities
This charity hand selected nearly 100 of America’s best charities for donations. The charities are reviewed annually and must meet specific eligibility requirements.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit that specializes in providing safe, affordable housing for all. There are long-term and short-term volunteer options available.

Best for: People looking for a wide range of volunteer opportunities or to donate to a charity.

Health Care and Nutrition Support Programs

Note that health care volunteer programs typically require more training and potential certifications compared to other volunteer types.

Meals on Wheels
You can volunteer to deliver a hot meal to someone in need who can no longer cook for themselves. This nutrition support program can also include a wellness check.
Nationwide Children’s
There are multiple positions available nationwide to volunteer at children’s hospitals. Some volunteer options include becoming a clubhouse volunteer with kids or a tour guide for visitors.
National Association of Free & Charitable Clinics
You can volunteer at one of the 1,400 free and charitable clinics and pharmacies nationwide. They accept a wide range of volunteers, from licensed health care professionals to those with non-medical backgrounds. There are also remote options available.
Feeding America
Feeding America is a food bank with a variety of volunteer options. You can sort and pack food, assist at drive through pantries, garden or volunteer from home.

Best for: People with or without medical experience looking to help others with their nutrition or health. Also, best for homebound seniors looking for remote volunteer work.

Environmental Conservation Projects

Senior man planting a tree

Every volunteer option in the list below has the same general goal: to protect and preserve nature. You can lead a tour, restore a habitat or conduct plant and animal surveys.

Some offer options to volunteer on a day-by-day basis, while others allow you to volunteer year-round.

Best for: Someone who wants to be surrounded by nature and restore its natural beauty. A good option for someone looking for a range of short-term and long-term volunteer options.

Tutoring and Mentoring Programs

The following programs can help impact education for the youth.

826 National
This program offers opportunities to support morning field trips, sit side-by-side with students after school and help classes learn new writing techniques.
Mentor National
You can apply to become a mentor for today’s youth in various programs. Some programs include mentorship for the LGBTQ community, workplace programs and inclusive mentoring for disabled youths.
Learn To Be
This tutoring program can match you with a student for one-on-one sessions to teach them in any subject of your choosing.

Best for: Someone with a knack for education and passion to help kids improve. Even if you don’t have a teaching degree or education background, there are likely still volunteer roles suited for you.

Animal Rescue and Service Programs

Senior woman hugging a dog

Time with four-legged friends can span beyond your home with animal rescue and service programs.

The Humane Society of the United States
Help rescue animals who’ve been abused or injured from a natural disaster. You can handle the animals or take on an administrative volunteer role. There are different locations for the program all over the U.S., but the main center is in Maryland. If you travel to help the animals in Maryland, you’ll be reimbursed for travel expenses.
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)
ASPCA offers volunteer opportunities to adopt, foster, provide rescue and rehabilitation services, and government relations.

Best for: Animal lovers open to potential travel opportunities.

Arts and Culture Initiatives

Arts and culture volunteer programs can allow you to get out and get in touch with your creative skills.

National Endowment for the Arts
Volunteer to become an arts endowment panelist to review applications for grants to create new art projects.
A Local School, College or Museum
Search schools, colleges or museums nearby and see if there’s any volunteer openings. You could help kids nurture their creative talent, guide art tours or help lead a college-level art course.

Best for: People looking to dip into their creative side during retirement. Bonus points if you have a background in art.

Religious Outreach Activities

If you want to feel more involved and connected to your religion, consider volunteering at your local temple, church, mosque or synagogue.

Best for: Those who prioritize their faith during retirement and want to provide for others.

Benefits of Volunteering as a Retiree

volunteering retirement benefits

Volunteering regularly can substantially lower the risk of an early death, help you remain active and improve your overall sense of wellbeing, according to a Harvard School of Public Health study.

Karla Radka is the President and CEO at Senior Resource Alliance, a resource that assesses and coordinates with services and programs, such as volunteers, for older adults in various counties in Florida.

Radka spoke to RetireGuide about other benefits of volunteering as a retiree.

“Volunteering helps you live a life of purpose by staying connected and engaged with your community. At the bottom line, volunteering is all about hope.”

Generally, the benefits of volunteering as a retiree falls into three buckets: mental health, physical health and financial health benefits.

Mental Health Benefits

While the main benefit of volunteering during retirement is to combat social isolation, there are others to consider.

Mental Health Benefits of Volunteering
  • Staying connected with your community
  • Making new friends who share common interests
  • Staying fulfilled
  • Developing new interests
  • Keeping your mind active to delay or prevent Alzheimer’s or other dementias
  • Combat social isolation

“Social isolation is as damaging as smoking or other behavioral habits. Volunteering is about waking up the next day with that purpose in mind and combating social isolation.” Radka told RetireGuide.

Jan Stewart, chairwoman on the Board of Directors at Kerry’s Place Autism Services and consultant to the Tourette Association of America Education Advisory Board, is retired and volunteers regularly.

Stewart shared her experience with volunteering and how it affects her mental health.

“My volunteer activities have contributed to my own mental wellness. They not only keep my brain engaged in complex, thought-provoking issues, but they have opened my world to an entire new community and a ‘second family’ comprised of health care professionals, parents and caregivers, and other volunteers.”

“These activities are reaffirming to me, strengthen my emotional fortitude and give me satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment and a legacy that I can be proud of.”

Physical Health Benefits

Volunteering can help you lower your blood pressure, increase flexibility and activity, prolong your lifespan and reduce stress within your body, according to an article from the University of Maryland Medical System.

If you have poor health, be sure to choose a volunteering program that won’t stress your joints or muscles. For example, instead of building ramps for low-income housing accessibility, you could volunteer to hand out free meals to the community.

Financial Benefits

Volunteering helps the economy itself and provides you with potential tax breaks.

“There’s also actually an economic impact within volunteerism. All the work that volunteers do move forward the economy, communities and the wellbeing of individuals.” Radka told RetireGuide.

As for tax breaks, any volunteer of a §501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization is entitled to receive deductible charitable contributions, according to H&R Block.

What are the financial benefits if I donate to a charity?
If you make donations to charities, you can generally deduct up to 60% of your adjusted gross income in charitable donations. However, the percentage varies depending on the organization and contribution type.

Tips For Choosing The Right Opportunity

Follow the four tips listed below to help ensure you select the right volunteer opportunity.

4 Tips To Help You Find The Best Volunteer Program
Consider your physical health.
You can only reap the physical benefits of volunteering if you select the right program. For example, if you have arthritis, a volunteer program packing food for the homeless could cause you pain. Choose a safe, emotionally fulfilling and physically safe volunteer program that excites you.
Verify the organization is legitimate and aligns with your personal values.
Some volunteer programs, especially abroad programs, can be scams. Be wary of high unnecessary fees. Once you’ve verified the organization is legitimate, make sure their mission will provide you with a fulfilling experience.
Utilize online resources.
There are nationwide and local online resources to connect you to volunteer opportunities. Use both to get the best match.
Network through your temple, church, mosque, synagogue or other local religious organizations.
If your religion is very important to you, you can give back by volunteering at your local religious center. If your goal is to be more connected to your community, network through a local organization.

How To Get Started as a Volunteer

Senior woman looking at paperwork with advisor

The first step is to use online resources, network through local organizations or speak to neighbors who already volunteer.

It may be in your best interest to speak to someone who already volunteers in the program you’re interested in. Ask them if they’re properly staffed and if it’s a fulfilling experience.

Volunteering should not feel like stressful work — it should be an opportunity filled with social connection and hope.

There’s likely an onboarding process or background check to complete before you start volunteering.

Radka oversees many onboarding processes for volunteer work and provided RetireGuide insight on the process.

“It is our fiscal and moral responsibility to be able to ensure that anyone who works in any of our projects goes through the onboarding process. Our onboarding process requires a level two background check.”

The extensiveness of training will also vary depending on where you choose to volunteer.

“In the case of SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders), there is an onboarding training program to understand the Medicare system. For meal distribution, there is an onboarding process to understand meal deliveries, food handling, customer service and then the compassion aspect of contact with seniors,” Radka told RetireGuide.

Frequently Asked Questions About Volunteering During Retirement

How long are volunteer commitments typically?
Volunteer commitments typically last a few hours a day, though some can last several days or up to a whole year.
Are there age restrictions on senior volunteering opportunities?
Age restrictions vary, depending on what senior volunteering program you choose. For example, Americorps is open to those 55 and older.
Are there any training requirements for volunteers?
There is typically an orientation and simple training for volunteers. The training can be extensive, depending on what volunteer program you choose. For example, volunteering to help maintain a cat foster program will likely require more training than volunteering to hand out food at a shelter.

Expert Contributors

  • Jan Stewart
    Jan Stewart Chairwoman on the Board of Directors at Kerry’s Place Autism Services and Consultant to the Tourette Association of America Education Advisory Board
  • Karla Radka
    Karla Radka President and CEO at Senior Resource Alliance
  • Patricia Bubash, M.Ed, LPC
    Patricia Bubash, M.Ed, LPC
Last Modified: August 16, 2023

11 Cited Research Articles

  1. Karla Radka, President and CEO at Senior Resource Alliance
  2. Jan Stewart, Chairwoman on the Board of Directors at Kerry’s Place Autism Services and Consultant to the Tourette Association of America Education Advisory Board
  3. Patricia Bubash, M.Ed., LPC
  4. GVI People. (2023, March 30). Understanding the Time Commitment Required for Volunteering. Retrieved from https://www.gviusa.com/blog/smb-understanding-the-time-commitment-required-for-volunteering/
  5. Heaslip, E. (2023, March 14). How Do Charitable Donations Impact Your Taxes? Retrieved from https://www.uschamber.com/co/grow/marketing/charitable-donations-tax-implications
  6. Nakamura, J. (2022, July 27). Identifying Pathways To Increased Volunteering in Older US Adults. Retrieved from https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-16912-x
  7. The University of Maryland Medical System. (2022, March 14). The Health Benefits of Volunteering. Retrieved from https://health.umms.org/2022/03/14/benefits-of-volunteering/
  8. Harvard School of Public Health. (2020, June 16). Study: Volunteering Is Good for Your Health. Retrieved from https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/study-volunteering-is-good-for-your-health/
  9. H&R Block. (2018, February 2). Is Volunteer Work Tax Deductible? Retrieved from https://www.hrblock.com/tax-center/filing/adjustments-and-deductions/volunteer-work-tax-deductions/
  10. Americorps. (n.d.). AmeriCorps Seniors. Retrieved from https://americorps.gov/serve/americorps-seniors
  11. Alzheimer's Association. (n.d.). Can Alzheimer's Disease Be Prevented? Retrieved from https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/research_progress/prevention