Christian Simmons is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance who has worked as a professional journalist since 2016, covering a wide range of topics for a variety of publications. His work has appeared in the Dallas Morning News, New Orleans Advocate, Baltimore Sun, Orlando Sentinel and South Florida Sun Sentinel, among other publications.
He currently covers Medicare and other important retirement topics for RetireGuide. He is also a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing.
Since joining RetireGuide, Christian has spearheaded a number of major projects. He conceptualized, created and wrote RetireGuide’s “How Medicare Advantage Took Over Senior Health Care” feature, a deep dive into the origins of private Medicare plans and how they grew to dominate the senior health care space.
He also authored “When Your Golden Years Feel Blue: Recognizing and Battling Depression in the Elderly”, an all-encompassing guide and resource to mental health in the senior community.
On top of his numerous features and guides, Christian has helped volunteer with Seniors First, a nonprofit senior organization based in Orlando, and written many pages explaining the basics of Medicare.
Before joining RetireGuide, Christian most recently worked for United Way Worldwide, the South Florida Sun Sentinel and the Orlando Sentinel.
He has spent time in both TV and radio as well, with Orlando CBS affiliate WKMG-TV and NPR affiliate WMFE-FM.
At the Orlando Sentinel, he covered the salary and financial disparities between men’s and women’s professional soccer, including how these differences were impacting athletes’ retirement and the sport as a whole.
Most recently at United Way, Christian designed and implemented a comprehensive plan to engage current and retired NFL players with their local United Way chapters. He helped the athletes identify actions to leverage their wealth to improve their communities.
He also produced content highlighting how players use their earnings to make a difference.
Christian graduated from the University of Central Florida Burnett Honors College with a bachelor’s degree in journalism before later returning to UCF for graduate school, where he earned his master’s in integrated business. He was a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and founded an independent student-run publication that is still active today.